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Top 8 Tips for Preventing Employee Theft

Employee theft is not unheard of. In fact, it is one of the most serious threats that loom over small businesses. Slack recruitment, careless supervision, misdirected trust, and a lack of financial controls can ultimately result in internal theft or employee theft.

5 Ways to Keep Your Business Trade Secrets from the Competition

A trade secret is information that is valuable and unique to a business, and it is not accessible to people outside of the business. Federal and state law protects trade secrets, but business owners must follow a few rules to legally protect their documents.

Do You Need an Attorney on Staff?

Most new companies seek outside legal help in their early stages, but all businesses that grow to a certain size will one day have to consider whether to hire an in-house attorney or continue to rely on contractual legal advice.

Common Legal Mistakes for Small Businesses

Regardless of the size of your company, the legal aspects of your business are critically important. Unfortunately, many small businesses fail to heed this salient fact, leaving them dangerously vulnerable and subject to serious legal exposure.

Guide to Writing a Contract

The five steps to writing a contract are checking to see if there is an offer, accepting an offer, agreeing to the terms and conditions of the contract, putting it in writing, and printing, copying, and signing the contract.

The Legal Side of Your Website

Understanding what information your website needs to legally provide for visitors is important for website administrators and business owners. Failing to offer the necessary information to customers and site visitors can put your organization in a legal bind.

Why Your Company Needs a Buy-Sell Agreement

Think about a buy-sell agreement as what you need in the event you want to buy out a partner or co-owner. Also, what will happen if a person who is part of the business heads off to what they think are greener pastures?

How to Avoid a Weak Brand in a Post-Patent World

Patents. They’re great things aren’t they? Have you given any thought to the day when that patent runs out? Maybe it seems so far away, that it simply isn’t on the radar.

What You Need to Know About Business Law

When you start a business, you will need to figure out the legal requirements that apply to your business and the laws that you need to adhere to.

Get Your Business Legal Ready for 2014

We’ve entered the home stretch of 2013 and the holidays are in full swing. The next few weeks will be hectic for everyone, but particularly for small business owners as it is easy to get overwhelmed this time of year. It’s time to take a moment to stop and make sure your business is “legally fit” for 2014.

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